Using Astra Trident with Kubernetes

USD 1,618 excl. VAT
2 Days
Who Should Attend
• Systems administrator, architect, operator,
and integration engineer
• Basic Linux administration skills
Course Content
Learn how to install, configure, and use NetApp® Astra Trident to manage Kubernetes with NetApp ONTAP® based storage systems. Deploy Astra Trident by using the Trident operator and use the tridentctl and kubectl methods to manage configurations. Configure NFS-backed,
iSCSI-backed, and NVMe over TCP (NVMe/TCP) backed storage by using Astra Trident. Also, manage Snapshot copies, expand volumes, and import non-Astra Trident volumes to become managed volumes.
Course Objectives
• Review how containers use persistent storage
• Describe the storage concepts that are available in Kubernetes
• Explain how Astra Trident makes managing persistent storage easier
• Install Astra Trident in a Kubernetes cluster
• Configure back ends, storage classes, and persistent volumes to use storage that is managed by Astra Trident
• Use Astra Trident to manage frequently seen use scenarios
• Monitor Astra Trident by using Prometheus and Grafana
Course Outline
• Module 1: Kubernetes storage overview
o Persistent storage in Kubernetes
o Container storage
o Kubernetes storage concepts
o Dynamic provisioning with Astra Trident
• Module 2: Installation
o Astra Trident details
o Astra Trident installation
• Module 3: Configuration
o Configure back ends
o Manage storage classes
o Create persistent volumes by using
o Astra Trident
• Module 4: Usage scenarios
o Manage Snapshot copies with
o Astra Trident
o Expand volumes by using Astra Trident
o Import volumes by using Astra Trident
o Manage multiple-zone storage by using
o Astra Trident
• Module 5: Next steps
o Next Steps